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更新日付:2023年3月31日 地域企業支援課


八幡馬 (やわたうま) "Yawata" Horses



Yawata Horses – The sacred horses of Kushihiki Hachiman Shrine, one of Japan’s three traditional wood-carved horses

The Yawata horse is one of the three most popular koma (wood-carved horses) in Japan, and is a typical local toy and folk craft from the Nanbu region of Aomori Prefecture.
Since ancient times, yabusame (horseback archery) events have been held in the precinct of Nanbu`s Kushihiki Hachiman Shrine, one of the main patron shrines of the Nanbu clan. During these events, the region`s best horses used to be given to the shrine as an offering. Wooden horses were originally carved in the shape of these horses. They came to be sold as a souvenir for worshippers at the annual Kushihiki Hachiman Shrine festival, and people began to call them Yawata-uma (Yawata horses) based on the place name (`Yawata` is another way of reading the characters for `Hachiman`).
From the Meiji era onwards, changes in society and living environment meant that creators, production areas, the shape and even the meaning of the wood-carved horses also changed, and by the time they became established as a local toy, they had also turned into a lovingly-crafted folk art symbolising wishes for the happiness of one`s children and family. Various designs emerged, such as parent-and-child pairs and horses decorated like those ridden in traditional marriage processions.
Today, they are enjoyed as mementoes or gifts for various celebrations, such as marriage, new construction, the opening of a business, childbirth, or the completion of a project.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 八幡馬
【主な製造工程】 木取り→削り→下塗り→加飾・絵付→毛すげ→完成
株式会社八幡馬 031-0071 青森県八戸市沼館2-5-2


経済産業部 地域企業支援課 マーケティング支援グループ
電話:1  FAX:017-734-8107


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